Valentines Day Standard Love Balloon Bouquet


All Balloons are supplied fully inflated.

Balloons will be dispatched the previous working day before delivery date.

We advise to have balloons delivered the day before the occasion to avoid unexpected delays with delivery courier.

Next day delivery available on all Balloons nationwide and same day delivery in Dublin on orders before 1pm.


Our Valentines Day Love Balloon Bouquet is the ideal solution to the perfect gift especially for those living abroad looking to surprise someone special at home. This  bouquet is full of colour and will provide joy and happiness for the recipient.

This bundle consists of the following:

3 x Foil Love Balloons.

All these balloons are shipped as a bouquet with a foil balloon weight

Next day delivery available on all balloons Nationwide.




Additional Information

Silver/Red Star Balloons, Silver Only Star Balloons, Red Only Star Balloons