Minnie & Winnie the Pooh Kids Balloon Bouquet


All Balloons are supplied fully inflated.


Balloons will be dispatched the previous working day before delivery date.


We advise to have balloons delivered the day before the occasion to avoid unexpected delays with delivery courier.


Next day delivery available on all Balloons nationwide and same day delivery in Dublin on orders before 1pm.


Minnie Balloon Bouquet

Brighten up your princess’s birthday party by inviting her favorite “Minnie” to her celebrations. Surprise her by setting up the “Minnie themed birthday Party” with our vibrant colored Minnie Balloon Bouquet and be the reason for her smile. Add a special touch to the decor with these balloon bouquets that can be used in a number of ways to create a dream party view. You can use this bouquet as a centerpiece, hang it at the entrance or use it for the perfect backdrop of the theme party. We guarantee the balloons are durable, leak-free, and thick for long-lasting use. 

Winnie the Pooh Balloon Bouquet

Planning a themed birthday party for your princess? Look no further than our stunning balloon collection. Approach us and visit our site to choose from a wide range of character balloons. Get our Winnie the Pooh Balloon Bouquet at a very suitable price and express your love to your princess by arranging a dream party for her. You will be delighted to see your princess marvel at the beautiful moments you are creating for her. These balloons make excellent decorations and are helpful to make her friends jealous. Our balloon bouquets come in assorted colors and bright designs to add life to the theme. 

Additional Information
Qty Required

3 Balloon Bouquet, 4 Balloon Bouquet, 5 Balloon Bouquet